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Best Bet Services

April 18, 2018

At a Glance

We provide custom services and user-friendly tech tools to help students find a career pathway that suits their interests and fills regional employer needs.

Clare Bertrand Senior Director
Nia Yisrael Senior Program Manager
Gabrielle Helfgott

Best Bet Services provide youth, teachers and counselors, school districts, community colleges, and community-based organizations with the tools to make stronger connections with career pathways and programs of study that align student interests and regional employment needs—what we call a Best Bet.

Through our Best Bet Services, students, educators, and counselors are empowered to:

  • Analyze labor market data
  • Unpack the complex postsecondary program entry and enrollment process
  • Expand their employer network
  • Hone job search skills

A Best Bet

is a postsecondary program that is grounded in student career interests, with strong retention rates, and has evidence of high job placement and career advancement potential.

Career Navigation


A web and mobile application solution that helps guide low-income young people to the right postsecondary education and training pathways.

Career Navigation

Best Bet Profiles

To help young people make informed decisions about which postsecondary pathway to choose, JFF defined a set of criteria that would lead students to a “best bet” credential with value in the local labor market.

Career Counselor Training

This Best Bet service provides districts, community-based organizations, schools, and community colleges with the tools to better connect students with programs of study that align with their interests and regional employment needs.

A suite of ready to use career navigation materials.

Peer Coaching Toolkit

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