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Apprenticeship by State: COVID-19 Special Episode 1
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Apprenticeship by State
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In This Episode

In this special episode of Apprenticeship by State, host Joseph Hollins speaks with 7 apprenticeship directors across the country about the COVID-19 pandemic, its implications on apprenticeship systems across the United States, and how these states have been pivoting to respond to the moment:

  • Eric Ramsay of Pennsylvania
  • Josh Johnson of Wisconsin
  • Patricia Morrison of Virginia
  • Eric Rood of California
  • Kathryn Castelloes of North Carolina
  • Katrina Vigil of New Mexico
  • John Akin with Supervisor Rick Martagon of Minnesota about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the registered apprenticeship system

[01:52] The business community needs to be partners in workplace safety to protect workers.

[02:50] Will the hit on the economy undo the progress made with growing apprenticeship programs?

[03:53] Dealing with pandemic layoffs.

[05:25] Life after the pandemic: where Registered Apprenticeship can support the displaced workforce.

[09:13] In-Demand – Health Care: How to position contact tracers for long-term healthcare careers.

[09:53] In-Demand – Cybersecurity apprenticeship programs.

[10:43] Changing how the apprenticeship system works, from administration to delivery.

[11:55] On-the-job training and instruction delivery in the era of social distancing.

[16:23] The positive long-term lessons of COVID for the apprenticeship system.

Links and Resources

Visit JFF’s Equitable Recovery Hub

Redesigning Training Programs for the COVID-19 Era and Beyond

How Apprenticeship Programs for Opportunity Youth Stay Resilient Through the COVID-19 Recession

Developed with the U.S. Department of Labor. Pursuant to the National Apprenticeship Act, the Department of Labor works to expand opportunities related to apprenticeship programs. This project has been funded, either wholly or in part, with Federal funds from the Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration under the contract number/work order DOL-OPS-16-A-0012/1605DC-18-F-00060. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of same by the U.S. Government.