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Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow (CREST)

April 20, 2023

At a Glance

To build an inclusive, resilient economy, more workers will need to be equipped with skills needed to navigate a growing green economy.

Taj Ahmad Eldridge Managing Director
Kristina Francis Executive Director, JFFLabs
Practices & Centers

As that world adapts to a changing climate, we are committed to accelerating equality of opportunity in an expanding green economy. Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow (CREST) is a five-year, $25 million grant-funded initiative of the Ares Charitable Foundation in partnership with World Resources Institute, whose goal is to close the gap between the demand for a skilled workforce for green jobs and the number of people prepared for these opportunities. Working with our partners and local communities, we can deepen our impact, harness new opportunities, and help create a green, resilient future that benefits generations to come.

The Issue: A Gap Between Labor Market Demands and a Skilled Workforce Ready to Meet Them

Climate change is causing economic shifts across all industries, requiring workers with new skills and capabilities. Yet there is a gap between the demand for a skilled workforce for green jobs and the number of people prepared for these opportunities.

While philanthropy frequently funds workforce readiness initiatives, there has yet to be a strong focus on preparing individuals with the skills necessary for the expanding number of green jobs. To build an inclusive and resilient economy, more workers will need skills to navigate the growing green economy, including individuals from low-income households, people of color, women of all backgrounds, and members of other populations that are underrepresented in fields that offer opportunities for economic advancement.


Our Approach: Data-Driven Solutions to Climate Challenges Through Career Preparation and Reskilling

Current approaches to economic and workforce development need to be adapted to the changing climate. Ares Charitable Foundation is partnering with Jobs for the Future (JFF) and World Resources Institute (WRI) to design and deliver scalable solutions in the United States and India.

CREST brings together leading nonprofit research and innovation organizations to advance our goals of equal opportunity in an expanding green economy.

JFF will help prepare an inclusive and skilled green workforce through research, job training, identification of regional solutions, and support for climate innovators.