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Work-based Learning Toolkit: Resources from Jobs to Careers

October 15, 2018

At a Glance

Access the Work-based Learning Toolkit, is a step-by-step guide to designing and implementing employee learning and career advancement projects for frontline workers. Created by Jobs for the Future. Also check out the new Work-based Courses Toolkit

Access the Work-based Learning Toolkit

Also check out the new Work-based Courses Toolkit

This toolkit is a step-by-step guide to designing and implementing employee learning and career advancement projects for frontline workers. Created by Jobs for the Future, it is drawn from the practice of Jobs to Careers, a national program to promote quality in health care through work-based learning for frontline employees.

The toolkit is a guidebook for job-site practitioners of workforce development: human resources managers, staff developers, and others responsible for employee learning through union-based programs, community colleges, technical schools, and community-based organizations.

The toolkit is organized to serve newcomers to work-based learning and those with prior experience but seeking to learn more. It is also a resource for those seeking effective models on specific topics, such as designing curricula based on work objectives or training supervisors to coach or mentor frontline workers.

The tools, resources, and examples were developed by practitioners, in health care workplaces or educational institutions, and by technical assistance and documentation specialists working closely with the practitioners.

These resources and examples originate in health care, yet they are readily adaptable to other work settings and occupations.

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