June 22, 2020
At a Glance
Members of the #RecoverStronger Initiative committed to putting “people-centered shared values into practice,” such inclusive hiring practices, development programs, total rewards programs and ethical offboarding strategies, according to the organization.
Those taking part in JFF's #RecoverStronger Initiative committed to enhancing values in support of employees, even in offboarding strategies.
Major U.S. Companies Form Coalition to Support Worker Well-Being
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the nation’s historic unemployment crisis, a coalition of major companies have made a commitment to prioritize worker well-being and economic mobility.
This new initiative that JFF is calling the Recover Stronger Initiative was featured in a brief on HR Dive. The brief details how a founding coalition of impact employers—Autodesk, Microsoft, Postmates, Salesforce, Walmart and Workday—are focusing on talent strategies that make a positive impact on workers and communities and also stand against systemic racism.
Those taking part in JFF's #RecoverStronger Initiative committed to enhancing values in support of employees, even in offboarding strategies.
Sheryl Estrada, HR Dive
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