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JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “Where College Grads Meet the Job Market”

September 28, 2021

How do we prepare folks to be decisive leaders?

JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “Where College Grads Meet the Job Market”

JFF CEO Maria Flynn was recently profiled in a blog post on the University Innovation Alliance (UIA) website.

She discussed JFF’s role in connecting college graduates with employment opportunities, the skills required in an evolving career marketplace, the challenges of scaling a nonprofit within a volatile ecosystem, and her best advice for both seasoned and emerging leaders.

The blog post was based on a conversation Flynn had with UIA Executive Director Bridget Burns and Inside Higher Ed editor Doug Lederman in the June 14 episode of the UIA’s “Weekly Wisdom” podcast.

“I think higher ed does a great job around critical thinking and problem solving,” she said during the interview. “But how do we prepare folks to be decisive leaders?”

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