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Three men collaborating enthusiastically over solar panels and wind turbine models in an office with plants.

Regional Solutions for Growing Quality Green Jobs

At a Glance

This data-informed guide is designed to help regional leaders better understand and leverage their potential to promote the growth of quality green jobs.

Meena Naik Director
Molly Dow ​Senior Manager
Lee Domeika Director
Alessandro Conway Manager
Julia Delgado Coordinator

Jobs for the Future (JFF) analyzed county-level data for key characteristics related to economic and climate resilience across the United States: climate patterns, social vulnerability, the local labor market, and the political landscape. We created categories based on these challenges and assets—Critical, Primed, Exposed, or Early—and developed customized recommendations to help prioritize next steps for each category that can be applied across the country.     

Whether you’re a leader in business, government, education, workforce development, community organizing, or another field engaged in climate change mitigation, this guide will provide you with data-informed support for meaningful action. And you won’t have to go it alone. Our tool will show you which regions across the country have similar strengths or challenges and might therefore be valuable partners in your efforts. We aim to foster regional momentum to expand quality green jobs for workers and contribute to a better-prepared green workforce for employers. 


Growing a vibrant green economy is crucial to improving our environmental and economic well-being. But for leaders working to build a more sustainable future, navigating the many environmental, social, labor, and political challenges of pursuing this vision can be overwhelming.     

Every region of the United States contains a unique mix of risk and readiness for building a greener, more resilient economy. Some regions are in the first phases of exploration and leaders are asking foundational questions: What are green jobs? Where do they exist in my region? Is my region ready to engage?  

Leaders in other regions might be asking themselves: What are effective ways to grow quality green jobs? Which activities should I prioritize to support my region through this transformation? Who else should be involved? 

This guide is designed to answer essential questions such as these. 

Key Partners

Ares Charitable Foundation and World Resources Institute  

Special Thanks To

Raymond Barbosa, Sarah Bennett, Bryan Egan, Carol Gerwin, Tyler Nakatsu, and Carlin Praytor 

About CREST 

Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow (CREST) is a five-year, $25 million grant-funded initiative of the Ares Charitable Foundation in partnership with Jobs for the Future and World Resources Institute. The goal is to close the gap between the demand for a skilled workforce for green jobs and the number of people prepared for these opportunities. Working with our partners and local communities, we can deepen our impact, harness new opportunities, and help create a green, resilient future that benefits generations to come. CREST brings together leading nonprofit research and innovation organizations to advance our goals of equal opportunity in an expanding green economy. JFF will help prepare an inclusive and skilled green workforce through research, job training, identification of regional solutions, and support for climate innovators.