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Why We Work for Equity and Racial Justice

Why We Work for Equity and Racial Justice

In the midst of our nation's rightful outrage, we condemn acts of violence and aggression against Black people. And we commit to using our organizational positions, privilege, and power to work for racial justice and equity.

June 2, 2020

At a Glance

In the midst of our nation’s rightful outrage, we condemn acts of violence and aggression against Black people. And we commit to using our organizational positions, privilege, and power to work for racial justice and equity.

At JFF, we know that an equitable economic recovery will not be possible without a deep examination of race, equity, and justice. The terrible racist actions across the country—including the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, and the police-reported false accusation of violence against Christian Cooper—further reinforce that we do not live in a just, equitable world. These events are unfortunately not unique and are not new. They are rooted in our nation’s history, and their impact is felt every day by Black people and other people of color in America.

In the midst of our nation’s rightful outrage, and against the backdrop of a pandemic that is taking a disproportionate number of Black lives, we believe that Black Lives Matter. At JFF, we are dedicated to living this value in our organization and taking a clear stand against systemic racism and oppression. We condemn acts of violence and aggression against Black people. We commit to using our organizational positions, privilege, and power to work for justice and equity, and to advance Black and brown leadership, expertise, and voices. And we acknowledge our individual and collective responsibility to bring about greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization and in our nation.

We acknowledge our individual and collective responsibility to bring about greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization and in our nation.

Every day at JFF, our work focuses on people. While we work in many different places, and in partnership with large education and workforce systems, our mission is ultimately about ensuring that all people have the knowledge, tools, and experiences they need to pursue and achieve economic advancement. The economic devastation and public health crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has only magnified the inequality that was already deeply ingrained—and too often ignored—in our society. As a result, JFF is doubling down on our resolve to serve people, particularly those who historically have been the most marginalized by the enduring inequity in our society.

The economic devastation and public health crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has only magnified the inequality that was already deeply ingrained—and too often ignored—in our society.

I and the 160 staff members of JFF, who live and work across this nation, invite you to partner with us on this essential work. Even in this time of national crisis and reprehensible social injustice, we must continue reimagining and transforming our education and workforce systems to create more equitable and just outcomes for tomorrow in order to build a future that works for all.

In solidarity,
Maria Flynn and the staff of JFF