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JFF and Meta Team Up to Upskill Workers Through XR Technology

May 18, 2022

At a Glance

New partnership showcases how AR & VR technologies support small- and medium-sized businesses.

Alex Swartsel Managing Director
Practices & Centers

Innovations in virtual reality and augmented reality create new opportunities for companies, educational institutions, and training providers to help workers develop in-demand skills more quickly and effectively.

In small- and medium-sized businesses navigating a rapidly-changing world, the technologies of the metaverse show the potential for big impact for workers and businesses alike—from training and onboarding, to business process improvement, to increased quality and cost savings.

In an essay published by Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs at Meta, and blog on Meta’s Newsroom, the company mentions Jobs for the Future (JFF), among others, as key research and program partners of their XR Programs & Research Fund. In partnership with Meta, JFF will demonstrate the value of inclusive solutions for accelerating technical and employability skills development in smaller businesses, to better position their companies in the market while strengthening their workforce.

Read Meta's Blog
Building the Metaverse Responsibly
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Learn More About JFF’s Work
To Build the Metaverse
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To prepare America’s workforce, Meta is partnering with Jobs for the Future (United States) to demonstrate how AR/VR technologies can strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses by upskilling workers, particularly those who have been disadvantaged in the labor market.

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