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How Workforce Boards Can Engage in Registered Apprenticeship

June 5, 2017

At a Glance

The webinar provided an opportunity for workforce boards to gain new insight on how to engage with industry to develop and sustain the pipeline for apprenticeship programs.

The National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) has partnered with Jobs for the Future (JFF) to offer a series of events in support of expanding Registered Apprenticeship and increasing the participation of women, people of color and opportunity youth. Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, upcoming events will focus on greater understanding and engagement of workforce system leaders in apprenticeship, so that workforce boards are better positioned to introduce these opportunities to the diverse job seekers that walk through the doors of American Job Centers day after day. NAWB and JFF hosted a webinar “How Workforce Boards Can Engage in Registered Apprenticeship”.

This webinar is the first of several events, it discussed the impact of WIOA on how workforce development boards work with Registered Apprenticeships programs, as well as how WDBs can facilitate the development of new partnerships to support apprenticeship programs. The webinar provided an opportunity for workforce boards to gain new insight on how to engage with industry to develop and sustain the pipeline for apprenticeship programs.