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5 Initial Steps to Equal Employment Opportunity for Registered Youth and Adult Apprenticeships

This self-paced, online training course walks you through the first 5 things Registered Apprenticeship programs need to do to meet Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) obligations.

July 31, 2020

At a Glance

This self-paced, online training course walks you through the first 5 things Registered Apprenticeship programs need to do to meet Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) obligations.

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This self-paced, online training course explains the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regulations and how they apply to Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs. It is designed to make it easy to comply with the EEO regulations as much as possible and to provide practical, step-by-step guidance to accomplishing sponsors’ EEO obligations. In addition, the course connects you with the best of the many existing online resources and tools for each of the steps that you need to take.

This course is led by Donna Lenhoff, a lawyer and policy developer with nearly 40 years’ experience working for progressive employment law and policy before and within the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of federal and state government.

Course Overview

The course content begins with foundational knowledge, then moves to the initial five steps RAs have to follow to meet their EEO obligations. These steps are for all RAs, regardless of size and type, and they are required as soon as a program is registered. Each of these steps is covered in a module in more depth, and the course specifically highlights considerations for RAs serving in-school and out-of-school youth. The course ends with a resource section for a deeper dive into the content.

What You Will Learn From this Course

  • The five initial steps involved in complying with the Apprenticeship EEO regulations (in person and remotely)
  • What to do when you start up an RA
  • What to do when you have openings in a program
  • What to do when you bring in new apprentices
  • Familiarity with the tools that the Office of Apprenticeship has provided to help with these steps
  • How to access and use the Equal Opportunity Pledge and Complaints Information Poster
  • How to access and use the Universal Outreach Tool
  • How to access and use the Anti-Harassment Training Program

Who Should Take this Course

  • Youth and adult apprenticeship programs that have registered with the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) or a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) (RAPs).
  • Youth and adult apprenticeship programs that have not registered with OA or an SAA but are thinking about doing so.
  • Employers, nonprofits, high schools, community colleges, and others thinking about setting up a youth apprenticeship program and whether it should be registered with OA or an SAA (a RAP).

Course requires a free registration.

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Developed with the U.S. Department of Labor. Pursuant to the National Apprenticeship Act, the Department of Labor works to expand opportunities related to apprenticeship programs. This project has been funded, either wholly or in part, with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration under the contract number / work order DOL-OPS-16-A-0012/1605DC-18-F-00060. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of same by the U.S. Government.

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