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Worker-Led Solutions to Improve Job Quality

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September 14, 2021

At a Glance

The United States needs more quality jobs, but worker voices are rarely included in the search for solutions. JFF is partnering with worker-owned cooperative Turning Basin Labs to chart an alternative path for economic growth and quality job creation that benefits workers, companies, and regional economies. Central to this partnership is putting workers at the center of research, design, strategy, and implementation to create equitable employment solutions grounded in lived experience.


Worker-Led Research Yields a New Framework for Assessing Job Quality

JFF and Turning Basin Labs are engaged in a multiphase initiative to identify and invest in high road employment models in California. This update documents the results of Phase 1 of this project, which include…

July 12, 2021

Job Quality Tool

Blog Posts

Quality Jobs, From the Worker Perspective

Leneka Pendergrass, a worker-researcher who is a mother and a student at UC Berkeley, noted that the most important dynamic among interviewees was “being policed” at work—experiencing excessive control, from dress codes and micromanagement to…

November 13, 2020

Previous Events

Creating More Quality Jobs: Centering Workers in the Rebuilding Agenda
Horizons 2021: Rethinking Job Quality - A Worker-Led Approach