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16 results

Eliminating Dead Ends at School, at Work, and in Life

Policy Recommendations for Ensuring Boundless Opportunities at School, at Work, and in Life No Dead Ends offers a common-sense, field-tested policy road map for re-engineering our education and workforce systems so everyone has boundless opportunities…

July 8, 2024

Disrupt the Divide

JFF’s Disrupt the Divide initiative supports postsecondary institutions in increasing Black learners’ success in accessing and completing programs that lead to high-wage jobs in growing industries.   Results The six participating community colleges will partner with…

June 24, 2024

Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship Field-Building

Youth apprenticeship represents a proven approach to addressing the skills gap. Career Launch Chicago has developed a promising model for youth apprenticeships and engagement with partners to support the effort.  Results JFF engaged a broad…

June 18, 2024

Community College Workforce Consortium

The Community College Workforce Consortium is spearheaded by visionary leaders in higher education dedicated to driving economic advancement for students by addressing the workforce development needs of their communities. Results The CCWC consists of 24…

May 30, 2024

Increasing College Access Network

Increasing College Access Network (ICAN) redefines online dual enrollment by combining the power of social-emotional learning, community partnership, instructor preparation, and intentional recruitment to improve student outcomes and provide students an opportunity to engage in…

October 13, 2023

Embedding Career Learning Across the Curriculum

How can two-year colleges ensure that all students can access quality career navigation opportunities that inform their studies and position them for meaningful, family-sustaining work? That is the challenge being addressed at Boston’s Bunker Hill…

May 8, 2023

Investing in Inclusion and Impact Across the Learner Journey

In this webinar, JFF brought together regional leaders from longstanding and early-stage cross-sector collaboratives to learn how California investments in regional college and career pathways are being leveraged to address equity gaps and drive economic…

January 20, 2023

Modernizing Career Navigation in the United States

To help all students and jobseekers better navigate the rapidly changing job market and make informed choices about their educational and career paths, the United States must make systemic reforms and strategic investments in career…

September 15, 2022

An Intermediary’s Guide to Working with Higher Education Partners

This guide supports intermediaries and their community college partners in forming productive and lasting relationships. The goal of these partnerships is to provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credits that will help…

September 30, 2020

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Where do we stand on the biggest education, economic, and equity issues of the day? Read our blog to find out.