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37 results

Covid-19 Legislative Summary

JFF has developed a summary of the three stimulus packages that have been passed by Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The summary focuses on the emergency needs of workers, students, small businesses, education…

April 1, 2020

Connecting Opportunity Youth to Postsecondary Credentials and Careers

Today, 4.5 million young adults ages 16 to 24 are out of school and unemployed. Often referred to as “opportunity youth,” they face significant barriers in the labor market. Policymakers must learn from proven college…

February 6, 2020

Preparing Opportunity Youth for the Future of Work

The future of work—resulting from fast- paced changes in technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and fluctuations in the way we perform work—will create economic growth and new jobs across the country, but only for communities that…

January 2, 2020
Case Study

Closing the Credit-Noncredit Divide: Bridging the Gap in Postsecondary Education to Expand Opportunity for Low-Wage Working Adults

This report examines the structural divide between for-credit and noncredit postsecondary education and the problems it presents for people seeking better jobs with higher pay. It highlights innovative ways that some community colleges are trying…

October 29, 2019

Making Higher Education Policy Work for The Untapped Workforce

Learn how higher education policy can transform our education and workforce systems to support the untapped workforce and prepare them for the 21st century economy. Related Content

April 29, 2019

Federal-State Partnership Strategies for Student Success

Federal-State Partnership Strategies for Student Success Our rapidly changing economy demands a renewed national focus on building talent to help Americans secure family-supporting careers. In order to meet the coming challenge, our education and workforce…

April 15, 2019

Identifying America's Untapped Workforce

A growing number of employers identify difficulty hiring highly qualified workers as their top competitive challenge. Roughly 75 million of Americans could meet these employer needs but currently lack the skills or supports to do…

March 12, 2019

Recommendations for Preparing America's Untapped Workforce

JFF defines the "untapped workforce" as the population of working-aged adults who do not have the work or wages they need to get by. To maximize national economic growth, meet employers’ talent needs, and eliminate…

March 11, 2019

Alleviating Poverty for Opportunity Youth

Alleviating Poverty for Opportunity Youth In preparation for a new Congress and updates to federal poverty alleviation initiatives, JFF developed *Alleviating Poverty for Opportunity Youth*, a brief highlighting how policymakers must ensure that young people…

December 20, 2018

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