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“Why I Apprentice” Judging Rubric

January 31, 2020

The competition organizer will use the below judging rubric to identify the top 15 videos. These videos will be passed to our panel of judges to review against the judging rubric. In the event of a tie, our youth judges will make the final decision.


Does the video follow the guidelines?

Need all to continue

  • Were signed media release forms submitted for all video participants? [Yes]
  • Was the online entry form completed in its entirety? [Yes]
  • Is the video 60 seconds or less? [Yes]
  • Is the lead producer part of a Registered Apprenticeship? [Yes]
  • Are any copyrighted materials used in the video? [No]
  • Is any portion of the video inappropriate? [No]


Does the video inspire others to become youth apprentices?

50% Content Quality

1. Does the video explain what benefits the lead producer has received from youth apprenticeship?

3 Points

Yes, it is clear how youth apprenticeship has benefited the lead producer.

2 Points

The benefits of youth apprenticeship to the lead producer are somewhat alluded to.

1 Point

It is unclear how youth apprenticeship has benefited the lead producer.

2. Does the video inspire others to consider youth apprenticeship?

3 Points

Yes, a viewer is left feeling that youth apprenticeship could be an opportunity for them.

2 Points

The viewer is left feeling mildly interested in youth apprenticeship.

1 Point

No, the viewer is left uninspired and uninterested in youth apprenticeship.

40% Memorable / Creative

1. How well does the video keep the attention of the viewer?

3 Points

The video is lively and keeps a viewer’s attention from beginning to end.

2 Points

The video does an adequate job of maintaining a viewer’s attention.

1 Point

The video is unengaging, or the viewer loses interest before the end of the video.

2. How creative is the video?

3 Points

The video uses creative or original storytelling, visual elements, or other features to enhance the message.

2 Points

The video uses minimal creative elements to enhance the message.

1 Point

The video lacks creativity or originality, or the elements used detract from the message.

10% Production

1. Are the audio and visual components clear and easy to understand?

3 Points

Both audio and visual are clear and easy to understand.

2 Points

Either the audio or the visual content is challenging to understand (including typos).

1 Point

Both audio and visual are challenging to understand or of poor quality (including typos).

2. How well executed are the edits and transitions in the video?

3 Points

Transitions and edits are smooth and well timed.

2 Points

Transitions and edits are rudimentary.

1 Point

Transitions and edits are nonexistent or poorly executed.

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