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JFF’s Cat Ward in “E-Job Hunting Met With Ambivalence”

March 3, 2021

At a Glance

Inside Higher Ed details the new realities of the career navigation experience for students applying and transitioning to jobs, and the role of technology and employers in the process.

The talent acquisition processes that companies have relied upon for decades have been completely upended since the outbreak of the pandemic.

With in-person interviewing and corporate site visits on hold, hiring managers are finding innovative ways to assess competency and fit in a virtual environment. We’ve seen Impact Employers step up to this challenge in a few ways, including providing additional support to prospective employees to help them successfully navigate the online application and hiring process.

While employers are adjusting to the new realities of the talent acquisition process, students and jobseekers alike also face new challenges in the career navigation process. In a recent article published on Inside Higher Ed, JFFLabs Managing Director Catherine Ward observes that the labor market is highly competitive right now for jobseekers, particularly those who are in the early stages of their careers. She points out that companies are changing how they source and assess talent to meet demand, while adjusting to today’s digital-first challenges.

We are hearing from a lot of companies that they are starting to think more creatively about where they can source their talent, and some are rethinking when they need to be in the office. As employers start to look more broadly at where they can hire, they can start hiring people outside of their hubs, which is very promising with regard to diversity. It also means that companies have to be very intentional once they bring people on board to provide the right kind of support that will enable them to stay and grow.

Cat Ward, Managing Director, JFFLabs
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As employers start to look more broadly at where they can hire, they can start hiring people outside of their hubs, which is very promising with regard to diversity.

JFF’s Cat Ward in “E-Job Hunting Met With Ambivalence”

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