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JFF’s 2023 Impact Employer Summit

October 19, 2023

At A Glance

Our signature corporate event explores resilient talent practices that put equitable career advancement at the center of your business strategy. 

Practices & Centers


Leading up to Jobs for the Future’s (JFF) 2023 Horizons summit, JFF’s fourth annual Impact Employer Summit brought together more than 60 senior-level corporate leaders in an effort to move toward more expansive and equitable career opportunities and advancement. These visionary leaders represented 46 companies, 20 industries, and over 5 million workers in the United States alone.

I too felt such a deep sense of community bound together with common belief and common resolve. We are the guardians at the gate of economic opportunity alive at a time when we can open those gates more fully than they’ve ever been opened before. What an opportunity and responsibility to be handed!

Aneesh Raman, Vice President, Head of The Opportunity Project, LinkedIn

Together, this powerhouse group of changemakers spent the day exploring how companies can create real, lasting change for workers and contribute to a more inclusive and resilient future of work. The insights and opportunities that surfaced at the Summit were inspiring and energizing—many of which we’ll share with you as “digital snapshots” throughout the coming months, so be sure to keep an eye out.

As I think about the power and energy in that room I left encouraged about the work ahead. Looking forward to next year’s summit. It was truly enlightening to be in a room of like-minded leaders, passionate about addressing the groundwater inequities.

Earvin Young, Sam's Club


Until then, we encourage you to take a look at three crucial insights that stand out as key takeaways in the wake of the Impact Employer Summit:

Our path forward must center humanity.

The world of work is shifting quickly. As things speed up, we are taking the opportunity to slow down,  invest in worker voice and agency, and connect solutions to the people we seek to positively impact.

Resistance is real—but you can overcome it.

We understand not everyone is on board with the change you’re driving. Our job is to invite in those with a role to play on the journey we’re setting out to lead.

We can—and must—help each other.

We’re building this movement together as a community of business leaders. Our work is critical to the strength and effectiveness of the broader ecosystem of players—from education providers to policymakers to workers and learners themselves.

For those who weren’t able to join us in New Orleans, stay tuned for exciting content that we’ll be sharing later this fall so you can still catch the most salient takeaways. In the meantime, know that JFF is here and eager to help you in this work, and we will continue to serve as a convener of this community. You can learn more about what we do—and how we do it—here.



Content Library

Impact Employer Summit Panel


Changemaker Spotlights

Inspiring stories from leaders making a difference


Keynote Speakers

Influence & Inclusivity: Using Your Power as a Leader to Enable Widespread Career Mobility

Featuring James White, Chairman of the Board at The Honest Company, former CEO, Jamba Juice, and best-selling author, in conversation with Shari Eaton, Chief People Officer, Chobani.


Designing the Future of the Workplace: How to enact inclusivity and organizational success in an era of innovation

Featuring Ellen McGirt, Senior Editor, Fortune andRaceAhead” columnist in conversation with Aneesh Raman, Vice President, Head of The Opportunity Project, LinkedIn. 


Participant Responses

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