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JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “7 Ways the Biden-Harris Administration Could Help Colleges Lift People’s Economic Prospects”

[The absence of a systemic approach to career guidance in college is] one of the biggest gaps we have.

JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “7 Ways the Biden-Harris Administration Could Help Colleges Lift People’s Economic Prospects”

A recent issue of the The Edge, a newsletter published by the Chronicle of Higher Education, featured insights from JFF CEO Maria Flynn.

Focusing on the topic of how higher education can improve people’s job prospects, the issue analyzed the JFF policy team’s recommendations for the Biden administration and examined similar recommendation from the National Skills Coalition.

Two of the recommendations highlighted are geared toward helping people figure out how to launch or advance in their careers: create a career-advising corps and an online directory of all federally funded education and training programs. Flynn said such goals are important because the absence of a systemic approach to such guidance is “one of the biggest gaps we have” today. And while it might be a challenge to carry out those recommendations, she noted that it would be “a step up from the status quo.”

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