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What It Costs: Financing Back on Track Through College Designs

May 11, 2018

At a Glance

Almost 7 million young Americans (age 16–24) are insufficiently attached to school or work. By helping a mere 0.1 percent earn a high school credential and complete their first year of college, through Back on Track Designs, we can conservatively generate over $1 billion in our economy.

Almost 7 million young Americans (age 16-24) are insufficiently attached to school or work. Based on conservative estimates, we can generate over $1 billion just by helping a mere 0.1 percent earn a high school credential and complete their first year of college through Back on Track Designs. This brief lays out the cost of setting up these GED- and diploma-granting schools and programs, and how districts, colleges, and community-based organizations can partner to sustain them.

Also check out JFF’s Back on Track Cost Calculator, designed to help schools and programs put in place the Back on Track Through College diploma-granting or GED model. It’s helpful for those starting a new program or expanding an existing program to incorporate additional phases. 

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