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Crossing the Divide: An Emerging Typology of Postsecondary Bridging for Opportunity Youth

May 11, 2018

At a Glance

Through JFF’s work with communities around the country on the Back on Track model, postsecondary bridging strategies have emerged as a particularly critical and especially replicable component of programming for vulnerable youth.

Cheryl A. Almeida
Lili Allen Senior Advisor

Through JFF’s work with communities around the country on the Back on Track model, postsecondary bridging strategies have emerged as a particularly critical and especially replicable component of programming for vulnerable youth.

This issue brief offers a typology of evidence-informed bridge programming, drawing on frontrunner programs that have designed their strategies specifically for this population and that have attained early indicators of success. We hope this typology will inform the design and support the scale of bridging programs that provide a critical leg up for opportunity youth to earn the postsecondary credentials that are so essential to thriving in today’s economy.


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