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21 results

Dive Deeper into the DRAW Landscape Scan

A brief look at six reports and accompanying resources that offer deeper dives into the findings of the Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) landscape scan.   Introduction Jobs for the Future (JFF) and World…

October 27, 2022

Digital Resilience in the American Workforce: Findings from a National Landscape Scan on Adult Digital Literacy Instruction

In the first year of the Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) initiative, Jobs for the Future (JFF), World Education, and Safal Partners launched a landscape scan to better understand what training resources and…

August 15, 2022

Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW)

Through DRAW, JFF, and its partners offer evidence-based, piloted strategies and materials that help adult education teachers build the digital literacy skills and digital resilience of adult learners for educational, employment, and economic success. Professional…

October 25, 2021

Providing Support for Community Colleges Now, and a Lever for Transformative Change

With JFF’s support of implementations of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate program, participating community colleges demonstrated that a competency-based curriculum could successfully help low-credentialed adults advance in the IT sector. With JFF’s support of…

February 16, 2021

What Works for Adult Learners: Lessons from Career Pathway Evaluations

This report is about combining the best evidence, practices, and policies to drive a broader systems reform agenda for what works for adult learners, and trying to improve the persistently low rates at which adults…

July 15, 2019

Accelerating CTE Evaluation Case Studies

This series summarizes the Accelerating CTE project at four of the participating colleges. It provides details on student outcomes and the college’s lessons learned, and recommendations for further inquiry to improve student success and meet…

May 14, 2019

Making On-the-Job Training Work: Lessons from the Boeing Manufacturing On-the-Job Training Project

Making On-the-Job Training Work: Lessons from the Boeing Manufacturing On-the-Job Training Project This brief explores one promising on-the-job training model: the Boeing Manufacturing On-the-Job Training Project, funded by The Boeing Company and managed by the…

July 16, 2018

Impact Profile of Erin Chavez: Finding a Lifelong Career through Accelerating Opportunity

Impact Profile of Erin Chavez: Finding a Lifelong Career through Accelerating Opportunity Through the Accelerating Opportunity initiative, Erin Chavez, a single mother, was able to pursue a fulfilling career in health care. In May 2014,…

July 9, 2018

Impact Profile of William Warren: Pursuing an Artistic Passion and Career through Accelerating Opportunity

Impact Profile of William Warren: Pursuing an Artistic Passion and Career through Accelerating Opportunity This Accelerating Opportunity profile showcases William Warren, who was able to channel his passion for art into a career by earning…

July 5, 2018

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